Hi! I’m Jen

I’m a 40-something homeschooling mom of 5 kids, ages 7-17, and a military wife.

To be honest, I never thought I’d be ANY of those things. My teenage vision for my life centered on gray skirt suits, Madison Avenue, and a luxury apartment on the upper West Side. Instead, I wear jeans and t-shirts, live in small-town Texas, and make bomb grilled cheese sandwiches. 

It took me a LONG time (read: 10 years) to figure out how to find joy in motherhood. Sure, I like to think I faked it pretty well up until that point. But inside, I was a mess.

It wasn’t until I made the quality decision to get intentional with my life that things started to change. I decluttered everything I could think to declutter: our house, my closet, the calendar. And I learned to finally let go of perfectionism and love myself no matter how often I came up short. 

Most importantly, I learned to celebrate the little victories and find joy in small moments. 

And now it is my deepest desire to help other moms who are struggling with motherhood to find the same joy, too. 

If there’s one thing I know it is this: JOY COMES IN SIMPLE MOMENTS. Even in the midst of chaos, there is something small to appreciate – or even celebrate. 

I have a few core beliefs about what can make motherhood joyful:


Belief that we are here for a reason gives everything in our lives meaning. You aren't here on accident, mama. You're not alone on this journey through life. You are meant to do something wonderful with your life because there is a God who has great plans for you. And being a mother is something wonderful, for sure.


At its very core, motherhood is kindness. It's love. It doesn't matter how you brought your kids to you - c-section, natural home birth, adoption, whatever. What brought those babies to you was LOVE. Kindness is love in action. When we determine to be kind to our family members, our neighbors, friends and ESPECIALLY to ourselves, motherhood can become joyful.


Do you ever feel like your days are always the same? Wake up, breakfast, school, lunch, naps, homework, activities, dinner, bath and bed? While the demands surrounding us are repetitious and consistent, it is consistency in our self-care and personal habits that becomes a total game changer for moms.


We've all heard it said that the days when our kids are at home will just fly by, right? Living with intention is the difference between letting these days simply pass us by or choosing to fill them with things that bring meaning to who we are and who our kids are. Intention is a choice to take control of our lives and start living on purpose.

Thanks for being here, mama. I know your time is precious, and I appreciate it … and you! Let’s find something to celebrate today!