101 Amazing Mom Affirmations That You Need in Your Life Today

Mom affirmations are a simple and effective way to increase your positive self-talk!

Postive affirmations are getting a ton of attention lately, and there’s definitely a reason why.

They don’t take a lot of time, cost zero money, and have been shown to make a real difference in the lives of people who regularly use them.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What are mom affirmations?
  • Why are positive affirmations important?
  • How to start using positive affirmations
  • Ideas for where and when to use mom affirmations
  • 101 different mom affirmations you can use on a regular basis

We’ve also got a free printable download of 12 beautiful mom affirmation cards you can print out and put around your house! So keep reading and check them out!

Let’s get started!

What are mom affirmations?

It’s actually pretty simple!

Mom affirmations are just positive affirmations applied specifically to moms.

It’s no secret that being a mom can come with its own set of challenges. That’s why we believe at Jen Bradley|MOMs that we should have our own set of positive affirmations – just for us moms. 

Positive affirmations are positive phrases or statements repeated frequently to yourself. 

Affirmations work to challenge any external negative messages and, even more importantly, our internal unhelpful or unkind thoughts.

One of the very first scientific studies about self-affirmations was done all the way back in 1988 by Claude Steele, a psychologist at the University of Washington.

Over the years, research has consistently shown that repeating positive affirmations habitually can result in long-lasting changes to the way that we think and feel.

It’s important to clarify that positive self-talk isn’t a magic bullet. Consistency and action are both required. 

As stated on Healthline:

Repeating an affirmation can help boost your motivation and confidence, but you still have to take some action yourself. Try thinking of affirmations as a step toward change, not the change itself.

Why positive affirmations are important

Positive affirmations are especially important for moms. Here are a few reasons why we think so:

  1. A 2017 study in Norway found that mothers typically experienced a significant decrease in their self-esteem during pregnancy, and then an additional continued decrease in self-esteem until their children reached the age of 3. 
  2. Moms don’t often receive a lot of outside praise or recognition for the work that they do. When was the last time your toddler gave you a big compliment after you loaded the dishwasher? Yeah, we didn’t think so.
  3. Many aspects of popular culture still represent an unattainable standard for motherhood. Not only are women praised for not looking pregnant when they really are, but there is often undue pressure for women to look “in shape” shortly after having a baby. 

Mom affirmations are one important way we can program our minds to reject these messages and to begin believing things that are more helpful and true. 

Related post: 150 Amazing Positive Affirmations for Kids

How to start using mom affirmations

To start using mom affirmations, you’ll want to make a list or get a printout of some mom affirmations that resonate with you. 

(We’ve actually got 12 awesome printable mom affirmations in the Jen Bradley|MOMs Free Printable Library for you! You can get them by clicking right here.)

Once you’ve got your mom affirmations, you need to choose a day and time to begin reciting your affirmations. 

It might be the first thing you do when you wake up, or when you’re getting dressed, brushing your teeth, or having a morning cup of coffee. You may be an evening affirmation person. 

Basically, there is no wrong time to do your affirmations! 

One of the best tips to getting started with mom affirmations is to attach them to something you already do consistently! That way you won’t have to create a new habit. 

Free Printable Mom Affirmations

To get your own copy of our set of 12 awesome printable mom affirmation cards, simply click this link right here or on the image below!

free mom affirmation cards

Ideas for where and when to recite your mom affirmations

Here are some great ideas for when and where to repeat your mom affirmations:

-Keep your affirmations on your nightstand or somewhere close to your bed. Say them out loud before you get out of bed. 

-Put your affirmations on the home screen of your phone. Before you unlock your phone, repeat your affirmations. 

-Record yourself saying your affirmations on your phone. Leave a gap of silence after you read each one. Then when you listen to your recording, repeat the affirmation during the silent break!

-Put your mom affirmation cards in inconspicuous places all over your house – inside kitchen cupboards or in your pajama drawer. Then when you open a door or drawer and see your affirmation card, read it out loud!

-Write your favorite affirmations on a card and put this on or near your mirror. Read them aloud as your look in the mirror while you get dressed, put on makeup, or brush your hair. 

-Keep your affirmations under your pillow during the day. Then before you crawl into bed at night, read them out loud. 

-Write your affirmations in your daily planner or on your calendar

-If you’re in the midst of a chaotic moment, take a minute to get some fresh air and recite a few of your favorites

Alright, now that you have a few ideas for how to incorporate positive mom self-talk into your daily life, let’s get on with our lists of positive mom affirmations!

We highly recommend reading through the entire list. Pay attention to the mom affirmations that stand out to you and jot them down as you go! 

101 mom affirmations to help you every day

1.I am already enough. 

2. I am more than “just a mom.”

3. My kids love me just because I am their mother. 

4. I am so grateful for this season of my life.

i am grateful for this season of my life

5. I can choose happiness. 

6. My home is for making memories.

7. I accept my children just as they are. 

8. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be right now.

9. Motherhood is part of me, not all of me. 

motherhood is part of me

10. I am worthy of love and belonging.

11. I am doing the best I can, and that is all that matters. 

12. Every challenge makes me a better mom.

13. I was born to be the mother of my children.

14. I will focus on the beautiful moments of this day.

focus on the beautiful moments

15. The only mother I compare myself to is who I was yesterday. 

16. I am the best mom for my kids – because they are mine.

17. Today I will see the best in my kids.

18. Gratitude is the energy of abundance.

19. I am confident in who I am, how I look, and what I have to offer the world. 

confident mom

20. I believe in myself.

21. It is okay to not enjoy every single moment of motherhood. 

22. I can live in the moment and enjoy my kids today.

23. I am my children’s safe space. 

24. Being a mother shows me how strong I am.

mom affirmation quote

25. I can find solutions to the problems I face.

26. Caring for myself makes me a better mother.

27. I allow myself to take breaks. 

Related post: The Joy of Being a Mother: 20 Things to Remember on the Hard Days

28. I find solutions, not problems.

29. Having a bad moment does not make me a bad mom.

bad moment not a bad moms

30. I am powerful, beautiful, and confident.

31. Only I can give my children a happy mother.

32. I love my body because it made my children possible. 

33. My happiness and my success are my responsibility.

34. I can stay calm, even in the midst of chaos.

calm in the midst of chaos

35. I’m not perfect and I’m okay with that. 

36. Motherhood is about connection, not perfection.

37. I’m making today so awesome that yesterday will be jealous. 

38. I can find joy in the simple moments.

39. I find joy in my children and am raising them to be a blessing to the world. 

find joy in my children

40. My family is my top priority, but that doesn’t mean I have to lose myself. 

41. It’s okay to ask for help. 

42. I am thankful for time with my kids. 

43. My family is my most precious asset and I’m investing in it every day.

44. There is no such thing as a perfect mom. 

no such thing as a perfect mom

45. I am raising children who will become wonderful adults.

46. I can put aside my to-do list and embrace having fun with my children.

47. The love I have for my children is unending and unconditional.

48. I am already a good mom.

49. People are more important than things. 

mom affirmations

50. It’s okay to say no. 

51. I can create a legacy of love for my children.

52. I will talk about myself the way I talk about my best friend.

53. My children feel my love and support no matter what. 

54. I love and appreciate myself, flaws and all. 

love and appreciate myself

55. I am teaching my children how to be kind and empathetic people. 

56. The good moments with my kids outweigh the hard ones.

57. I am a positive influence on my child’s life. 

58. I allow myself to make mistakes.

59. Every day is a new opportunity to be the best mom I can be. 

every day is a new opportunity

60. I am grateful for my children’s laughter. 

61. Every effort I put into my home and family can make an impact. 

62. I’m quick to forgive myself.

63. I’m not just hoping for the best. I am expecting it!

64. I demonstrate positive self-love and self-talk to my children.

positive self love and self talk

65. Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes progress.

66. I can learn from my mistakes. 

67. Tantrums are only temporary.

68. I let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace each day. 

69. It does not take a reason to be joyful. It takes a decision.

mom affirmation 5

70. I am an intentional parent.

71. I deserve to give myself some grace.

72. My parenting skills, and my children, are a work in progress.

73. I am creating lasting memories with my children that we will always hold dear.

74. Motherhood is the best job in the world. 

motherhood is the best job in the world

75. I will never give up on my children. 

76. I can find fun in the mundane. 

77. It’s okay to not feel okay. 

78. I am the thermostat that set the emotional climate for the entire home.

79. Today I will encourage more than I correct. 

encourage more than correct

80. I am always learning and growing as a person and as a mother. 

81. I allow myself to feel joy and love. 

82. My life is only as big as my thinking.

83. I am instilling positive values in my children through my words and actions. 

84. I am stronger and braver than I think.

stronger and braver than you think

85. All that I need is already within me.

86. How I handle today determines tomorrow.

87. There is no one way to be a perfect mother. 

88. I am grateful for my child’s smile. 

89. I can choose to be the best version of myself. 

choose to be your best version

90. My children are learning about love and empathy from me. 

91. I will show love to my kids through my actions and my words. 

92. I take care of my body and treat it with respect. 

93. My children are the best thing that ever happened to me. 

94. I trust my instincts and intuition as a mother. 

i trust my instincts and intuition

95. I am a role model for my children. 

96. If I’ve done nothing today besides love my kids then I have done enough.

97. I have a strong and unbreakable bond with my children.

98. I am grateful for what I have. 

99. The best thing I can do is keep going.

best thing i can do

100. I love being a mom.

101. Tomorrow is a new day.

Final thoughts about positive affirmations for moms

We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of mom affirmations!

One of our favorite things about positive affirmations is that they’re a small and simple thing that can have a big impact over time.

Don’t forget to download and print out our free set of 12 positive affirmations for moms before you go!

Related articles about self-care for moms:

50+ Self-Care Ideas for Moms Who Are Really Busy

How to Take a Break from Social Media (and Be a Much Happier Mom!)

13 Cringeworthy Mom Fails to Help You Feel Better About Mom Life

21 Hilarious Letter Board Quotes Perfect for Mom Life

50 Beautiful and Inspiring Quotes for Mothers

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What are some of your favorite mom affirmations?

101 Amazing Mom Affirmations That You Need in Your Life Today101 Amazing Mom Affirmations That You Need in Your Life Today101 Amazing Mom Affirmations That You Need in Your Life Today101 Amazing Mom Affirmations That You Need in Your Life Today

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